Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Communicating With Images- poster design...

Gather some examples of good design using IMAGES, COLOR, VISUAL TEXTURE and SHAPES... by looking through these links for ideas.

Gather Three examples that interest you, post them to your blog- with their title and designer's name.





One more designer to look at is April Greiman she is renowned for embracing technology in her work and manipulating the "accidents" that can happen from experimenting with technology.

 See more here

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Creative experimenting with the "Blend tool" in Illustrator to create a series of images. Then load them in Photoshop and convert them to "frames"..... then BOOM! You have a short animation!

Link to good examples of GIFS.... https://creativemarket.com/blog/the-30-best-animated-gif-artists-on-the-web

Link to a tutorial..... https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/how-to/make-animated-gif.html

And a quick sample I made.....


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Posting the Final Bag

Post images of your bag to show how it was constructed and how it works as a 3D object.

Answer these questions about your ideas and work:

1. What are the areas of EMPHASIS? How did you use the elements of art to make them stand out? Elements are: color, value, shape, size, texture, line.... or other visual effects?

2. How did you use elements to lead our attention around the bag?

3. What software techniques or design ideas made your work unique?

4. How does your design relate to and describe the word you were given?

Design Research- The BAUHAUS

The BAUHAUS is credited as one of the major movements (changes) in the history of design. Use these links to explore and learn more about this important school of design and it's effects on history.






Collect at least four images of Bauhaus designer's work, post them to your blog and label the images with the designer's name, title of the work and the date.


Answer these questions about the design school and the design movement.....


1. Where was the Bauhaus School located?

2. When was it in existence?

3. What is different about the Bauhaus' design work from the designs that came before it?


Look at this link to see how Bauhaus is still influencing designers today...
