Thursday, February 26, 2015


A fantastic Swiss designer- he has a very dense, layered, modern style.... do you see his use of LINE , Gradients, contrast and patterns in his work?

Try some of those skills in your work......

Link to more about Woodtli here @

Here are some examples of his work.....

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Interesting Examples for you!

Look how these designers broke up the negative space into shapes....

Notice how they made your attention go to specific parts of the design.... how did they do that?


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Posting Your Folder Design

The blog is meant to be a "digital portfolio" of your creations, discoveries and investigations from this semester....... Now that you have it set up, let's start with your first post

The Folder Design

1. Post a jpeg of your design (convert it in Illustrator to a "jpeg", by using save for web...)

2. Post a "composition map" of your design to explain how you organized the image..... label these items in the map:

• label the areas of EMPHASIS
• Draw arrows to show how you moved the viewer's attention through the design (movement uses shapes, lines, contrast, or patterns)

3. Write answers to these questions about your work:
            • How did you use shapes, words, numbers (or others) to relate the design to YOU?
            • How did you use software tools, images, or the placement of shapes on the page to make your design CREATIVE and UNIQUE?
            • What is the best part of your design?