Friday, May 31, 2013


Here are some links for ideas for the Design 1 final project....

And some other ideas:

pop up cards are cool....
work the shape of the object too...

make it a game...

This is creative and unique...

Work off some existing object....

nice element of surprise....

simple but great bold use of VALUES...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Frankenstein Sample

Here are some new tools to use in your "Creature" project...

Making Masks

You can make a mask from any active selection....

Here's the original image...
Let's take out the background...

THis is a good job for the "Quick select tool".... it picks up on the CONTRAST between background and the smoke...

Make a selection by click and drag over the smoke....
THink of PUSHING the selection into place with the tool..

Use the REFINE EDGE to improve the selection....

This is better...notice the slider for CONTRAST is moved...

Now I can convert the selection to a LAYER MASK...

The Mask hides the pixels, then I can paint on the mask to fine tune it if needed...

Choose the brush tool here...

Choose the size and blur of the brush with the control pannel..... or right click for it too!

Choose black or white to paint... Black HIDES and white REVEALS the pixels..

 Be sure to have the mask selected- see the FRAME?

Monday, May 20, 2013


Here we GO!!!

Check out the basic tools and where they are.....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

MAP the Type Poster

Post your poster, write about it and create the "Self Evaluation Map"

Here's the handout... you can also find a copy of it in the class' DROPBOX folder.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Creating The Color Tile Design

Here are some examples of techniques for creating the tile....

Use live trace to gather some interesting shapes....

Copy, Paste and flip 
the images to create a pattern

- this one hits all edges and "matches"....

Layer them up and work with colors...

The color guide tool was a big help....

I also used a fragment of a live trace, 

blown up to make new shapes...

I could copy and paste the tile to a new Illustrator page to see how it matches, and check my progress....

Exploring COLOR

Let's explore more use of color in your design work-

Here's a copy of the handout

Here are some examples of William Morris' design work.....

see more here @

and here @

More designers here @

and here @

Thursday, May 2, 2013